Hey guys long time no see. I have been busy with a lot of life changes but I am back and hopefully better than ever. Besides its a new year and a new me. A me that is determined to write faithfully and fearlessly every week. A me that is going to stay on track with my writing and hopefully have a published book by the end of this year. A me that is going to work to get better and better. I mean there is always room for improvement right?
My topic tonight is going to be about motivation. Why do we write? Why do we tell stories or paint pictures with our words? Who are we trying to reach? What are we trying to say? Some one made me realize how powerful words are. Words are able to incite revolutions and change hearts. They are able to tell stories and paint beautiful pictures that can only be seen with your mind not your eyes. Why do we write?
I know why I write now. I forgot for a time but its coming back to me. I am not writing for fame or money or to be on New York Time's bestseller list. I am not writing because I want my book to turn into a a movie or a hit TV series, even though if I am to be perfectly honest with myself that would be nice. No I am writing because I have a story to tell that I think somebody else out there might just want to hear. And if it makes them feel something, if they see the world a little differently then I did accomplished my dream. I would love to have a published book. I would love to hold a printed copy of my story in my hands with my name on the cover. I want it to be my proof that I can accomplish something if I work hard enough at it. If I sacrifice the time and give all my effort to writing this book that has been in the work for the past three years now I want to believe it will all pay off.
I started to write because I needed an escape. I needed to build a world where I felt safe. Plus I had an imagination that just wouldn't leave me alone I needed to use that creative energy some how. So my pencil hit the paper and my love for writing was born. I loved it. I loved coming up with new characters and new worlds. I loved imagining a life for them. I had the power to control every little thing. Writing also allowed me to become the person I am today. I might be quirky and super flawed but I would also like to think I am strong as well. I can get my feelings across so much better on paper and feel more confident as well. Writing is my passion. I might not be famous, I might not be super talented at it. I might not be a singer or a dancer or a spy, those aren't my dreams. Writing is and I hope that some day I can introduce myself as Ruth Prophete the published author.
I do not know if I have a particular audience in mind. I suppose my book would be considered Young Adult but it could be for adults as well. Its for anyone with an imagination and loves the fantastical. I write for the book lovers and the dreamers. I write for anyone that needs an escape. I write for the people that will enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
So what about you. Why do you write. What motivates you to put pen to paper? And if writing isn't our thing what motivates you to follow your dreams? Let in the comments! Talk to you soon. Have a great week everybody!