
Monday, February 3, 2014

The Side Kick

When I think of side kick I remember the movie Sky High where the heroes went to one class and the side kicks went to another. The side kicks were treated like second class citizens. That is not how the side kicks are in my book though. For my story they are more like Watson was to Sherlock or Grover was to Percy Jackson, or something along those lines. My side kicks are not just the supporting characters to make my protagonist look good, most of them would do you bodily harm if you even hinted that. I want them to have their own side stories and motivators. I want them to seem like real people. although they may not have their life story being written it does not mean that they do not exist. I want them to be real, so real you can imagine they were your best friend, or family member.

My story has one main protagonist but her younger brothers story is equally important. He becomes the catalyst for many scenes in the story. He may be considered to be a side kick but in most senses he is not. I want the reader to be able to understand his hurts and fears as well as his victories.

My book centers around four main characters. The protagonist is the first and most important one. Following her are her brother and their two cousins. They may be considered sidekicks to many but they each have their own motivators and stories to tell to a point. Other people will come and go in my books and some of them will only be used to support the protagonist and the story. The hard part will be making them realistic. We come into contact with so many people ever day. Even though we may only see them for a matter of minutes we still notice little quirks and differences that make them unique. That is what I have to do with every single character in my book. They may speak one line but the ways they say it is unique to them. I have mentioned how before how difficult and important character development can be and bad development can break a book.

This is just one more element in my book that I will have to overcome and perfect to the best of my ability. I am so excited to share my book with all of you but it maybe take a while for that to happen. I just want to say you for your patience.

My timeliness was no better this week. I will I am getting over a cold and I have school work piling up but that is no excuse. I need to stay on track. See you all next week.

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