
Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Villain We Love to Hate

Oh where do I begin? The villain is definitely a VIC (Very Important Character) in the fiction world. I mean they may be even more important than the protagonist. They can make or break a character. I mean take Heath Ledgers Joker if he had been subpar and cartoonish the movie would not have been the same. Or even take Voldemort from the Harry Potter series. The good ones seriously mean business guys.

Depending on the genre of fiction villains, or the antagonists can be as genius as Professor Moriarty or as misunderstood as Bane. They can be whatever you want them to be but they have to flow in some way with the rest of the story. I love when you learn to hate the bad guy with all their diabolical deeds and painful plots. It is so hard when the character then does a complete 180 and reaches inside our chests to squeeze out our sympathy with a truly sad and touching back story. A good villain can make us sob uncontrollably, or become so angry we could punch a hole in the wall. With a boring or flat antagonist I could honestly care less. I might even stop reading the story and I might hate the villain without loving to hate them, if that makes sense.

What am I going to do about my story? Well I already have a plan but that doesn't mean that its easy. My villain or villains will not be in black and white. There may be a considerable amount of gray area involved. But isn't that the case in most situations. Like two face in the The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent was a pretty standup guy. He was handsome, confident, honest and totally in love with Rachel. But then he lost her and went crazy. Sure I hated him for threatening Jim Gordon's family and children but I could understand how he got there. He had been pushed past what he could bear and suffered because of it. I am not saying it was okay by any means but my heart broke for him all the same.

I am so excited for you all to meet my villain. It will take some time because my book is going to be part of a trilogy but you will understand a lot in the first book. I expect my villain to be complex and more than three dimensional if that is at all possible. I want you to love to hate them not hate them because they are bland and horribly thought out and written. I have so much planned for this villain and I will do my best not to disappoint you guys. It may take quite a few books and years later but I promise the wait and the story will be worth it. My villain will out villain the rest. They will have a story that will hopefully tug at your hearts and maybe cause you see things differently. My book is not a happy fairytale and my villain may be darker than some of you are used to but I hope you will give them a chance.

I plan to work on my book soon I promise. I am really excited to let you guys read it. I have a lot of work to do but I think my story will be unique and is not like a lot of the young adult books that are already out there. Let me know who the favorite villain you love to hate is in the comments below. I promise I wont judge. I will see you all next week. Have a good week guys!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's a Hard Knock Life

Well I'm writing this more on time this week. And I must say it is quite an accomplishment with how busy I have been with school and everything else. I haven't had anytime to work on my story because school has really been whipping my butt. It's been killing me not being able to work on my book but I know I will find time eventually.

I choose the title "It's a Hard Knock Life" because I wanted to write about how hard it is for me the author to make a character and everything pertaining to that character's life. My main character Atlanta is very real to me. After all I have known her for over a year now and her life is literally in my hands. She is as solid to me as if she were standing right behind me as I am typing this right now. It is recommended on many how to novel books that I should write an interview for my character and answer the questions as she would. This helps me think about her and her personality and how she would react to things in ways that are wholly unique to her.

What I mean by all of this is because I care about Atlanta. I want to make everything go great for her. I want her to always be happy and it would be great if she would win the lottery and get the car she always wanted. But you and I both know that is not how real life works. I mean how boring would it be if that was the book I was writing? There would be no conflict, no story-line or anything. I wouldn't even read that book. Because of this I have to let Atlanta go through some really hard times. I have to let her get rejected and let her get back up again. I have to let her go through loss and pain because I know she will come out of it a much better and stronger person. She will change and mature but if I don't let her go through life she wont  grow at all.

I can't go into much detail because I don't want to ruin it for you but I will say that her life has been really hard  since very early on in her life. In this story her whole life will change and it may or may not be for the better. She will be forced to make difficult choices and will have to deal with those consequences. All these things will make it all the more better when all the good things can happen to and for her. When she finds her soul mate  and when she discovers who she truly is. It's things in life that make all the hard parts worthwhile and that is what I have to do with Atlanta. I hope that when you guys finally meet her you will love her just as much as I do. I hope you cry with her when she is in pain and laugh with her when she embarrasses herself. I hope you fall in love with her love interest along with her and I hope you feel victorious whenever she overcomes the odds.

I think about my characters a lot, even when I am working on my schoolwork, or watching a movie or reading a book. The minute I wrote the first word of my story I knew this book was something I would see to the end. I can't wait to show you all my finished work. I can't wait for you to read my book and experience all the feelings I am. I'll see you guys next week!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Side Kick

When I think of side kick I remember the movie Sky High where the heroes went to one class and the side kicks went to another. The side kicks were treated like second class citizens. That is not how the side kicks are in my book though. For my story they are more like Watson was to Sherlock or Grover was to Percy Jackson, or something along those lines. My side kicks are not just the supporting characters to make my protagonist look good, most of them would do you bodily harm if you even hinted that. I want them to have their own side stories and motivators. I want them to seem like real people. although they may not have their life story being written it does not mean that they do not exist. I want them to be real, so real you can imagine they were your best friend, or family member.

My story has one main protagonist but her younger brothers story is equally important. He becomes the catalyst for many scenes in the story. He may be considered to be a side kick but in most senses he is not. I want the reader to be able to understand his hurts and fears as well as his victories.

My book centers around four main characters. The protagonist is the first and most important one. Following her are her brother and their two cousins. They may be considered sidekicks to many but they each have their own motivators and stories to tell to a point. Other people will come and go in my books and some of them will only be used to support the protagonist and the story. The hard part will be making them realistic. We come into contact with so many people ever day. Even though we may only see them for a matter of minutes we still notice little quirks and differences that make them unique. That is what I have to do with every single character in my book. They may speak one line but the ways they say it is unique to them. I have mentioned how before how difficult and important character development can be and bad development can break a book.

This is just one more element in my book that I will have to overcome and perfect to the best of my ability. I am so excited to share my book with all of you but it maybe take a while for that to happen. I just want to say you for your patience.

My timeliness was no better this week. I will I am getting over a cold and I have school work piling up but that is no excuse. I need to stay on track. See you all next week.