
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Writing In The Wrong Order

When I first started writing my novel, over a year ago now, I thought you had to write from page one to the very last page. I wrote out an outline for everything I wanted to cram into my story and I even had a clear idea of what I wanted in each chapter. But when it actually came down to writing that first page it was a lot different than I thought it would be and more difficult.

While writing a story and creating your own world is fun and exciting it can also be really boring, I am not going to lie about that. There are times when I will be stuck on a single scene no matter how I hard I try to make it perfect it sucks. It can be so frustrating and painful to have to sit through that. This was all when I was writing from page one. I rewrote the first few chapters three times getting more and more discouraged the whole time.

With plenty of research I found that I  was not alone in feeling this way. Many published and highly experienced authors pick and choose the parts of the novel they wish to work on first and they just dive in and do it! It blew my mind. Some authors even wrote the very last page first.

I have been trying to listen to that advice. If a scene keeps playing in my head over and over again I just have to write it down. A few months ago I wrote this one part of my story that gave me chills and scared me and I had control of the situation. I was not even close to reaching that part of my story yet. I am actually thinking of writing the last page tonight after I make this post. I can see it so visibly in my mind and when that happens I can not resist.

If I wrote all the pages that were dull and difficult without creating the fun and exciting ones I can assure you there would not be a book. A balance is needed as in  most things. There seem to be some basic rules that most authors follow in their books they wrote but they also create their own. This is something I have learned as well. I need to follow the order that works best for me as well as my book. I want my novel to be the absolute best it can be and I am working hard to make it that way. I wont except anything less from myself. If I want to start writing from smack dab in the middle of the story than I can do that. If I want to write the last half of my books first that's okay too. It doesn't mater! And that fact is more freeing than  you could ever know.

Next week I will post a status update so make sure you tune in!

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